Kudos are for above-and-beyond actions taken by a Telecom team member or someone Telecom interacts with. They can be submitted throughout the year via our website or a physical card at our office. #TCKudos are then posted on our Kudos Board all month long before being tallied and delivered! If you receive a #TCKudos, we’ll send it to you and your Supervisor/Department Head. Every December, we’ll release the Telecom Excellence nomination form (link above) which will be awarded to one Telecom Team Member at our annual holiday dinner. This is an opportunity for fellow team members and our customers/industry partners to recognize a TC Team Member who embodies our Creed and Core Values (Collaboration, Continuous Improvement, Innovation, People, Service, and Transparency.) For Telecom’s Leadership team to consider this candidate, there must be details on a specific action, program, event, or project role. One award will be given.

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